The Guide

We invite you to be part of a guide that will bring together restaurants that are committed to sustainability, those that will receive recognition according to the 17 United Nations SDGs. Together, we will work to keep Barcelona at the top, this time at the forefront of sustainability, as one of the destinations with the most sustainable restaurants in the world.


We’ll help you make your restaurant more sustainable, socially responsible and comply with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals .

Why am I interested?


Because the Barcelona Sustainable Gastronomy Quality Seal will identify you in the guide and on the street as a restaurant that cares about meeting the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Because the guide will be part of an international campaign to promote tourism and restaurants in Barcelona with the endorsement of Visa, Turisme de Barcelona and Biosphere.


Because 87%* of travelers declare their intention to carry out sustainability practices when traveling, and 33%* are willing to pay a 10% extra cost for sustainable services.

* Sources: Visa Inc. The Global Travel Intentions Study 2023 and Observatori de Turisme a Barcelona. Report on the profile and habits of tourists in Barcelona city 2022.